Martial Foundations (Non-fiction manual)

Martial Foundations
A preparatory guide to the Martial Arts

About the project

Martial Foundations is a practical guide to the basic skills and knowledge of the Martial Arts. Designed for the prospective student or beginner of any martial arts style, this book covers the three aspects of the martial way, body, mind, and spirit, with amusing anecdotes, enlightening discussions, and exhaustive explanations.

From the most basic concepts such as diet to break-falling, to the most complex such as ethics and philosophy; Martial Foundations uses a scientific methodology and objective reasoning to demystify erroneous and outdated ideas and practices.

Filled with diagrams and illustrations, this book is can be studied alone, at home, or be used as a supplement to training for any martial arts style or dojo.

An in progress version of Martial Foundations can be found here.


Martial Foundations begins with a brief preface that introduces the author and the contents of the book. It also includes acknowledgments.

The first section, titled ‘Introduction’, begins with the author’s first experience of the martial arts and includes a brief overview and history of the martial arts. The section continues with discussing what martial arts is, and what it isn’t; the purpose of the book; the martial way; the differences between different martial styles, and why these differences are arbitrary; martial arts and science; how balance is important in the martial arts; and finally, the enjoyment of martial arts.

The second section, titled ‘Body’, deals with all the physical foundational aspects of the martial arts. The body section begins with discussing basic diet and hygiene, and why it is important to the martial arts. The section continues with basic concepts such as breathing, flexibility, and exercise. The final two chapters deal with balance, break-falling, and basic throws, which make up the foundation of most martial arts in the world.

The third section, titled ‘Mind’, explores the mental foundations of the martial arts. The first chapter discusses the senses and perception, and why training these are important. It then continues with memory and imagination; willpower and hypnosis; reasoning and problem solving; and focus and flow. The section closes with basic strategy and tactics used both before, during, and after combat.

The fourth section, titled ‘Spirit’, explains spirit and what it means in the martial arts. The first chapter analyses the meaning of spirit, used in the sense of consciousness, and also explores culture and traditions and their impact on martial arts practice. The section continues with other important aspects such as politics, organizations, networking, building relationships, etiquette, manners, and social behavior. The section closes with a discussion on leadership and servitude, and how they are one in the same.

The fifth section, titled ‘Conclusion, are a few closing chapters discussing other relevant information to the martial arts. The first chapter, Adaptation and change, thinks about the importance of changing with the times. The final chapter, the future of martial arts, summarizes the book and looks to the future of martial arts practices.


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