ftc:fleet tactical command

FTC (Fleet Tactical Command)

FTC is a roguelike space simulation game set in a distant quadrant of the galaxy thousands of years in the future.

The game idea evolved from the 'Path to the Stars' short story and its first incarnation 'Fleet Command' in 2016. FTC was later shelved and turned into BrightStar in 2018, which later evolved into project Arided from 2019 on-wards.

Many concepts, designs, art and stories from FTC live on in project Arided and will one day be released as a video game on the Steam Platform.

Creative Writing Excerpts

The following are branching stories a player can take part in.

(1) A little transmission

Location: Empty Spacemark, Planet, Station, Moon, Asteroid Belt

(Initiation) (Player grade), Communications reports a discrepancy in the transmission logs after a routine diagnostic. We had the intelligence officer look it over and he suspects a spy on-board.

<Accept> Bring the logs to my office.

<Leave> I don’t have time for this.

(Part 1) The logs show several transmissions, which have been hidden among routine communications between vessels of the fleet. The spy used these routine messages to relay the transmission and send it to a third receiver. We can’t calculate where the spy’s transmissions went, but they went to a great deal of trouble to hide their tracks.

<Valour> Interrogate everyone who had access to those systems. I won’t tolerate spies in my fleet.

<Logic> Map routine communications against authorised crewmembers and use discrepancies to identify the culprit.

<Insight> Relay a fleet wide transmission to offer the perpetrator to come forward without further penalty.


(Valour Success) During fleetwide interrogations a crewmember admits guilt. He was sending messages to nearby passing merchants to organise illicit dealings.

(Valour Failure) Fleetwide interrogations did not turn up the spy. The secret messages weigh heavily on your mind.

(Logic Success) While trying to collate the data a crewmember tried to destroy the evidence and was caught in the act. He later admitted to sending messages to passing merchants to organise illicit dealings.

(Logic Failure) The data couldn’t conclusively identify the culprit. The secret messages make you lose sleep at night.

(Insight Success) A crewmember reports to your office and admits his crime. He admitted to sending messages to passing merchants to organise illicit dealings.

(Insight Failure) You wait for days and nobody comes forward. Nobody coming forward after your gracious offer gnaws at your mind.

<Leave> Order the fleet to translate into sub-space.

(2) Best Things in Space are Free

Location: Empty Spacemark, Asteroid Belt

(Initiation) (Player grade), sensors show a derelict ship in nearby space. There are signs of battle damage, but no nearby signatures of other vessels. Preliminary data estimates there is still fuel and supplies on-board.

<Accept> Order a course correction for the fleet. We are going to investigate!

<Leave> We don’t have time for this. Notify the fleet that we are moving on.

(Part 1) The damage appears to have come from a skirmish with another ship. Sensors show no life signs. It seems nothing has been taken from the cargo holds.

<Valour> Send a boarding party to investigate.

<Logic> Launch a drone to scan for structural integrity.

<Insight> Remote-access the derelicts main computer and extract the ship logs.


(Valour success) The boarding party searches the ship without incident.

(Valour failure) Damaged bulkheads give way and injure one of the boarding party members. Further investigation of the derelict is deemed too risky.

(Logic success) The drone makes a thorough investigation of the derelict and transfers the data back to the fleet. Recovery drones are able to salvage without incident.

(Logic failure) The drones data is sparse and difficult to interpret. A follow up salvage operation is cancelled.

(Insight success) The derelicts logs are downloaded successfully along with schematics and damage readouts, making the salvage operation quick and efficient.

(Insight failure) The derelict’s computer systems lock out the remote-access attempt after detecting the download. Lack of information increases the risk assessment of the operation and command decide to cancel the operation.

<Leave> Order the fleet to translate into sub-space.

(3) First things first

Location: Empty Spacemark, Planet, Station, Asteroid Belt

(Initiation) (Player grade), complaints from officers show a fleet wide issue of poor discipline and performance reports. If this continues it may affect the efficiency of the fleet.

<Accept> Not on my watch. -> Part 1

<Leave> It’s just a phase, it’ll sort itself out.

(Part 1) Collated reports from several departments show that the crew training standards have fallen, which has resulted in lax attitudes and poor work performance. Our officers have done what they can at their level, but believe further improvement needs to be handled at a fleet wide level.

<Valour> Discipline and efficiency are achieved through hard work and regimented schedules. All crew and officers will report for physical training, combat drills and additional practical courses.

<Logic> There must be a root cause. I want a detailed analysis of work schedules, time off and our training delivery system. Something in our system isn’t working correctly.

<Insight> People need a voice to bring about positive change. Interview everyone with poor performance records and disciplinary issues. Provide counselling for those who want it.


(Valour Success) Sweat and tears improves the esprit de corp. Working hard together has improved the rapport with officers and crew performance and discipline has improved.

(Valour Failure) The crew weren’t happy with the extra duties and training. It seems the problem has only gotten worse, resulting in poor fleet performance, accidents and malfunctions.

(Logic Success) A detailed examination reveals that the delivery system of training and crew schedules were conflicting with each other, causing stress and anxiety. Refactoring the training regimen seems to have solved the problem.

(Logic Failure) Examination of the training and crew schedules didn’t reveal much that would help with the current problem. Wasting time on trying to fix the system has only worsened the situation.

(Insight Success) The interviews went well and the crew felt like somebody was listening. Collated information from the interviews lead to changes in crew and training schedules improving performance and discipline.

(Insight Failure) One interview turned violent and the rest had to be suspended. This caused several crew to grow more upset and worsen the discipline and performance in the fleet.

<Leave> Well, at least that is sorted out.


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